
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Happy Magdalene Feast Day~ July 22nd

Two years ago in June, I made the journey to La Baume, 
Mary Magdalene's cave in the South of France. I started out nervous though excited to make the trip to the cave in Provence alone but in the end, I was determined to protect that sacred space of my own pilgrimage. And I've struggled to process what the journey meant for me. 

It was a breaking out... of my perpetual fear, out of my comfort zone and my reluctance and avoidance of "religion." It was a diving in... to Gratitude, into the Sacred, into myself. It was a partial melding of my own spirituality, which I've been cultivating since I was 19, with the powerful spirituality of the ages. 

Everything I needed while there opened itself up to me literally within seconds, as if there were absolutely no lag time between the thought of what one wants or needs and the universe providing it. It was twenty four hours of pure awe and full on Power. In fact, everything I needed to get myself there to make the journey opened itself up to me easily as well. And I've been there in my mind nearly every day since. And been changed by it. I have felt called, as one of the many voices, to help bring forth her message which is why she became part of my novel. And I'm excited to have made the commitment to make the journey again with someone who has wanted to go and with my partner who had to miss the trip last time. 

You can read about my journey and see photos of the cave and surrounds here in 

(Photo copyright: Kirsten Steen) 


  1. Hi Kirsten, always love to hear from you. Great post and will go have a look. All sounds good there.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Donna! Hope you're enjoying your summer. Coming over soon to catch up!

  2. Your post really speaks to me, Kirsten. Your words are so eloquently and thoughtfully expressed. And I love the photo.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Jeanie! And for being here. Xoxo.


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