Thursday, January 29, 2009
Gladys on a Cold Day!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Paris Grenelle Market
~All kinds of seafood...
~And cheeses of all varieties...
~There are salads of all varieties, including some
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First Full Day!
So, in honor today of those who came before and their sacrifices, here's a song sent by a friend.
Perfect for the first full day of Obama's Presidency and the
Hope for the Future! I'm feelin' it!
Rosa Sat - song for Barack Obama
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Inauguration Day!
Just a note to say that this one (and most likely "that one") is riding a wave of hope and joy today. The feeling of sheer dread and doom that I felt on this day 8 years ago (which was borne out beyond my scariest nightmares) has been replaced with tears of pure joy at today's momentous event. Even my partner, whom I have never seen cry in our 18 years together, was wiping away tears at today's speech.
Let's give Obama all we can in our faith, our good wishes and our pledge to help do the work necessary to heal our future and patch up our past. And if war criminals must be prosecuted for war crimes, then so be it. Distraction or no. While we do need to look to the future, the past and its crimes do not disappear.
But for now, I just want to ride this wave of hope and happiness I feel all over the world.
Go Obama!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
'I Know the Heart of Life is Good!'
John Mayer - Heart of Life (Acoustic)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hope Springs Internal

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Galettes des Rois in Paris
January in Paris is the time of the Galette des Rois or Cake of the Kings. Their shiny, crusted faces shout from every boulangerie, patisserie and traiteur (catering) window; from the tiny family-run shops to the big name stores: Dalloyau, Pierre Hermes, LeNotre.
Celebrated for Epiphany (January 6th) and the Visitation by the Magi, it is sold all through the month of January, some boulangeries even churning them out in December. Its history goes back to Roman times (though the purpose and names have changed over the centuries according to what kings and society thought it should reflect). Since the Middle Ages, it has been known as a Twelfth Night cake.
a pagan festival, it became La Fete du Bon Voisinage ('Neighborly Relations Day').
After the French Revolution, it became
Gateau de l'Egalite ('the Cake of Equality').
Never underestimate the people's need for cake!
I should know since cake is my downfall. Cookies can go by the wayside. Chocolate can go stale in my pantry for months (though I don't like to leave it feeling lonely that long however I can start or stop any time I wish). Ice cream can rack up extra layers of ice. But cake eerily calls my name until I have finished every last morsel. Might take me a week (leaving pieces for my partner who may never touch it again but then wonders what happened to it once it's mysteriously gone) but it never gets thrown out.
Forget willpower, cake rules.
And this cake, the Cake of the Kings, is made of puff pastry filled with a creamy interior and (frangipane) almond-paste. The ritual around this cake centers on a lucky charm hidden within its sinfully sweet interior. The youngest (child) in the family takes their place under the table and, as the cake is cut, calls out the name of the person receiving the next piece. The one who finds the charm becomes King and wears the gold paper crown sold with each cake.
Early on, the lucky charm was a bean (une feve) and the lucky King was made to buy drinks all 'round which lead to some swallowing of beans to save on funds. In later years, it became a porcelain trinket but now is most often made of plastic. Both the porcelain and even the plastic trinkets have become collector's items. I've had two Galettes already this holiday season and both cakes produced plastic Santas, which both adult and child Queens were ecstatic to find and keep.
And while I have never yet been the Lucky Queen, I feel certain that I have enough luck and royal blood (or at least attitude) to eventually be crowned. I intend to keep making my way through almond paste and puff pastry until I do.
Photographs copyright: Kirsten Steen
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Christmas Menu in France
The holidays in France for us are always like a fairytale come true. My brother-in-law's Mere has spent days working her magic in their mini-chateau in the French countryside (about 3 hours outside of Paris).
Humming while she works
in her lovely blue-and-white-
backsplash kitchen with the
red marble table and
Louis XIV palace-sized fireplace,
Madame D. appears effortless
as she gracefully mixes and pats, stirs and tastes.
The Christmas tree has been adorned in the billiard room where a few presents are scattered under the tree. One of the things my partner loves about Christmas here is that the holiday is mostly about family and food. The gift-giving event is a short and sweet amuse bouche between champagne and dinner, more like a brief set-up to the main event.
During the holidays (or any of our visits), every meal begins with champagne and we sip from flutes and snack on salty chips as the family visits in the salon. After days of preparation, the food is ready, the long table elegantly set and the taste of champagne bubbles as we speak.
Christmas Eve dinner begins with the Foie Gras entree, bought and cooked fresh and served with a Coteaux de Lyon or Vouvray.
Cheese is always a grand affair with large blocks and petite rounds of various smelly delights of Muenster, Comte and Chevres.
~or a white raspberry swirl cake coated with a layer of meringue.
(I asked for the names of these cakes and was told that one is the creation of the chef and the other handed down by her mother. No names. So it was decided we would name them Gateaux Claudine de Naives.)
On Christmas Day, after champagne of course, lunch begins again with Foie Gras on plain, white toast and sweet, white wine. The main dish for this meal is wild hare (most likely caught by the host as hunting is his passion). The hare is cooked in a deeply dark sauce which we learn is made of the animal's own blood.
The idea takes some getting used to but the result, served with pasta and a 1986 St. Estephe, is delicious. Cheese and salad follow with more wine specifically for the cheese. Dessert is my brother-in-law's favorite: Maman's Creme de Marron. Served in petite glasses and looking like chocolate, this rich combination of butter, chocolate and chestnut paste spoons like barely melted ice cream~ thick and creamy.
Coffee follows dessert (true to form in France, coffee and dessert are never served at the same time) and a walk in the woods follows lunch. We pile into Monsieur D's jeep (hats, scarves and gloves in hand) to make a quick stop in a tiny nearby village, picking up large bags of corn from the garage of a hunting friend. While we walk, Monsieur drives the maize from one location to another, distributing the food for the 'wild' boar. (One of the rules in hunting here is that one cannot hunt the same property where the boar are fed, unless of course one is French and then you can break any rule. Already this season, the hunting group has caught 28 wild boar and that was as of last week!)
The walk is followed by a quiet afternoon of napping after which Madame prepares a lighter meal for dinner. Champagne starts the evening again and vegetable soup begins this night's courses. A large, rectangular, pate en croute is served filled with half domestic pork and half wild boar ground together. Salad and cheese are always offered and the cake and Creme de Marron return. Coffee is a must after this day even for those like me who rarely partake.
Boxing Day is our day of departure and since we are driving, champagne is offered but not automatically brought out before lunch. Ahead of time, Madame has prepared several meats for today's main dish of Choucroute, one of our favorites. A huge platter of sauerkraut is covered with various sausages, ham, bacon, and other pork cuts.
Three kinds of moutarde are placed near the platter as well as several types of beer. A reisling is also offered as the typical complementary wine. Cheese follows and then leftover desserts and light wafer cookies known as Petits Croquets aux amandes and noisettes (little cookies with almonds and nuts) of which, after asking for the recipe, our hunting host declares that if they come to visit this summer, I may serve these to him then and be tested on my skill.
Goodbye is always the hardest part of our visit. Never certain how long it will be before we return, we sadly say our farewells to the chateau, our family, this fairyland. We promise to see each other soon, and hope that the world, the Gods of the Hunt and time will be kind to them while we are away.
Photographs copyright: Kirsten Steen