Our beloved house guest, Axi (short for Axel), who came to stay with us
regularly 2-3 times a year when his parents were away,
had to be put down this past week.
A 20-year old family member,
his parents are in deep grief.
While I hadn't intended to,
I ended up being in the room with him
after the needle went in.
I had done it once before with my one-and-only 20-year old BooBoo Girl.
I held her in my arms and watched her go as her light faded,
thinking I could never do it again.
Thursday, I loved on this poor old man's ailing body
while he went to sleep for the last time.
I told him how good he was; how much we loved him
and how very much we would miss him.
And we do~
and await our next path's crossing.
(For those who have lost a pet,
there is a website and poem for those of us
grieving and left behind.