A few more photos from our trip to New York recently.
We stayed right near Times Square
so ended up walking it every day on our way to and from the subway
or riding through in a cab.
No one can miss Rockefeller Center.
Parking in NYC!
(I'm not even sure how they do this.)
The Waldorf Astoria and Park Avenue.
Had to get a shot of the stunning stained glass window
of the Annunciation at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
The Annunciation is actually one of my favorite scenes
so took several ...
...most of which were from the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Big fireplaces are my thing
and I loved the statues adorning this one.
(Also at the museum.)
The beautiful entry hall...
And exterior.
Below is Hatsheput, meaning Foremost of the Noble Ladies
who is known as being one of the longest ruling women
and most prolific builders in Egypt.
We actually went to The Met twice
and I spent my entire second visit in the Egyptian exhibit...
Ogling the painted interior of mummy cases.
His and Hers!
The Egyptian Sky Goddess Nut depicted in this interior
revering the sun
as well as giving birth to it.
Nut is the mother of both Isis and Osiris.
According to Wiki,
Osiris' popularity went all the way into Roman times.
Below are some photos of Roman earrings.
We also visited the Museum of Natural History
which of course is endlessly fascinating.

I remember reading a book when I was young
about a kid who hides and gets locked into the museum overnight.
Now I've been told that the museum does overnight slumber parties
for grade school kids.
What an amazing and fun experience that must be!
Best slumber party ever!!

This meteorite was found near Oregon City
about 2 hours from where I live,
standing a little taller than the average person.
And of course, Central Park is always one of our favorite destinations.
I've been gone quite a bit from the blog
and this week I leave for the South of France
where I'll be making a little pilgrimage which I'll reveal more about later.
So barring any internet issues,
I should be posting photos while I'm there.
I'm also using my time there as a bit of a writing retreat
to try to get my novel ready for beta readers.
So wish me luck.
And see you in Provence!
(Photos copyright: Kirsten Steen)