Seems so long ago and far away now.
But here are a few promised photos of
one of our stops in Big Sur.
The lovely Nepenthe
where we had lunch overlooking the California coastline...
...and its spectacular views.
Open since 1949,
it's basic pub fare

with a sweet interior
even a fireplace in the middle of the room
(surrounded by windows)
for those foggy, cool coast days.
Since it's always busy
they have plenty to keep you occupied outdoors
while you wait,

including a chess square and ping pong table
so you can play while waiting for a table
and tiered stone seats covered with colorful pillows
for basking in the sun with something from the bar.
The definition of Nepenthe:
"A drug described in Homer's Odyssey
as banishing grief or trouble from a person's mind."
"A fictional medicine for sorrow."
"A drug of forgetfulness."
Um... I'd say so!
My photos don't do justice to the breathtaking views.
Click the link below to see the website's photos.
And stop in for a little medicine for your sorrow.
Open Daily 11:30am-10pm