Ode to October
As I sit among the oaks
in the warm October sun
and the turning leaves twist and dance before me
out above the meadow
a lone, silky spider's thread
sails along a breeze,
visible only for a moment
in a crystal flash of sunlight.
Moss sways in trailing rivulets
like the dreadlocks of a forest nymph
matted with twigs and leaves
and soon to be dripping with winter's tears.
The last of the season's dragonflies hover and dart
and now in the sun's path,
hundreds of gleaming, powder-white objects swarm,
basking in the sun's cloak of radiance,
invisible just a moment before.
The scent in the shadowed places
reeks of summer's early morning,
Earth's own tangy sweetness
emanating from piles of warm, dying leaves
smelling of pumpkin and sawdust,
swimming holes and overturned earth.
A small plane overhead hums its nostalgic, rumbling tune
taking me back to my grandmother's garden
of spiny artichokes and pickling cucumbers.
In the kitchen, applesauce bubbling
frothy on the stove,
swelling the house
with its tempting sweet tartness.
A fire crackling
before the freshly-cleaned hearth,
sending billowy bands of sweetly charred, smoky resin
to fill the quiet neighborhood.
In summertime on this walk
I duck into shady dells
and avoid the benches
drenched in scorching sun.
Today, the shadows are cool and biting
and I search for sun-warmed rocks
while yellow jackets hover an inch from the ground
as if searching for lost change.
Red berries perch atop bare stems
amid tufts of dirty cotton balls.
Dying leaves bed the trail
and whisper to me as my feet drag them.
Small oak leaves flicker and twirl
madly, franticly to their deaths
while larger leaves drift in slow motion, silently,
gracefully to their own last bed of scented needles.
An elderly lady bug,
spots dimmed and fading,
climbs the mountain of my shoulder
and at the top takes flight.
Poem & photo~ Copyright: Kirsten Steen
Photo: Chartres Cathedral
Poem posted last February.