Hosted by MizB at shouldbereading.wordpress.com.
Here's how to play:
*Grab your current read,
*Open to a random page,
*Share 2-3 “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page,
*Please no spoilers!
*Share the title & author.
This week's selection is from Ray Bradbury's Zen in the Art of Writing:
"So from the age of twenty-four to thirty-six hardly a day passed when I didn't stroll myself across a recollection of my grandparents' northern Illinois grass, hoping to come across some old half-burnt firecracker, a rusted toy, or a fragment of letter written to myself in some young year hoping to contact the older person I became to remind him of his past, his life, his people, his joys, and his drenching sorrows.
"It became a game that I took to with immense gusto: to see how much I could remember about dandelions themselves, or picking wild grapes with my father and brother, rediscovering the mosquito-breeding ground rain barrel by the side bay window, or searching out the smell of gold-fuzzed bees that hung around our back porch grape arbor. Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers."
Now you!
I was re-reading A Good Year by Peter Mayle this week.
ReplyDelete"He has arrived, the Englishman. He is in the house now. No, I haven't met him, but I saw him in Auzet's office. He's young." Roussel broke off while he negotiated his turn at the end of a row of vines. "Is he sympa? How do I know if he's sympa? One is never sure with the English." He looked over at the house as he put the phone back in his pocket, and sighed. Ah, the English. Will they ever stop invading France? He heard a yelp and glanced at the vines behind him. Merde. His dog, who had been following the tractor, had been caught by an errant puff of bouillie bordelaise, and now had a pale blue head, which added to his already eccentric appearance.
You must watch the movie too if you haven't. As usual, it doesn't resemble the book greatly, but Russel Crowe did a great job!
Hi Anandi~ Glad you came by. I have not read the book but have seen parts of the movie. Will have to check it out. Thanks for participating!