Unfortunately, during her illness, she destroyed many of her works. And while her doctors told her mother she was perfectly capable of living outside the hospital, her family refused to release her.
(Photographs copyright: Kirsten Steen)
"So from the age of twenty-four to thirty-six hardly a day passed when I didn't stroll myself across a recollection of my grandparents' northern Illinois grass, hoping to come across some old half-burnt firecracker, a rusted toy, or a fragment of letter written to myself in some young year hoping to contact the older person I became to remind him of his past, his life, his people, his joys, and his drenching sorrows.
"It became a game that I took to with immense gusto: to see how much I could remember about dandelions themselves, or picking wild grapes with my father and brother, rediscovering the mosquito-breeding ground rain barrel by the side bay window, or searching out the smell of gold-fuzzed bees that hung around our back porch grape arbor. Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers."
Now you!
After years of wondering exactly where this filmmaking haven was located, I happened to 'stumble' upon it after taking recent photos of the nearby Palace of Fine Arts.
Once you've found it, there's nothing to tell you that you've arrived, nothing announcing your location, no big signs giving clues as to who's property this belongs to...
The gorgeous lobby...
My nephew being enamored of ALL things with a screen, I tried to get us in to a couple of buildings so he could glimpse the process of filmwork being done behind closed doors. Watching several of those building doors open with young, bleary-eyeds emerging, I was disappointed to find that each building entrance has a front desk checkpoint where all must show ID.
Ah well, it was enough to finally find the place and be able to show it to the kids. Though I did have visions of standing in the middle of the lobby hollering his name until the God of Lucasfilm came out to give us a guided Behind-the-Scenes tour, 3-month passes to the next film set and a gracious invitation to his home in Marin for lunch.
Next time!
Hosted by MizB at shouldbereading.wordpress.com.
Here's how to play:
*Grab your current read,
*Open to a random page,
*Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page,
*Please no spoilers!
*Share the title & author.
By request, Teaser Tuesday is back! Glad to know someone missed it. This week's selection, Pope Joan, is a book I come late to as it seems many in my blogging world have read it and the movie is soon to be out. I'm still waiting to hear who the lucky blogger is that will walk the Red Carpet with Donna Woolfolk Cross. I'm just back from vacation so maybe it's already been announced and no one's told me yet that I'm going!
Here's an excerpt from Donna Woolfolk Cross' Pope Joan.
"While Gerold paid for his purchase, Joan's attention wandered to a few sheets of ragged-looking parchment scattered untidily toward the rear of the stall. The edges of the sheets were torn, and there was writing on them, very faint and obliterated in places by ugly brown stains. She bent close to read the writing better, then flushed with excitement."
Happy Tuesday!