I was lucky enough to do a little traveling this past month
thanks to my father and his wife
whom I call
My Fairy Stepmother.
Unlike some step-relationships,
this wonderful woman does everything in her power
to bring family together,
including hauling me clear across the US,
from one coast to the other,
for a visit
generously using her miles.
They rented a little place on Pompano Beach
for the month of October and invited me for a week.
And since we were having hardwood floors put in at my house,
and the place was filled with a thick layer of dust, fumes and noise,
my sweetie thought it might be perfect timing.
While they took me many places,
one of those places I ogled and snapped photos of for an hour
was The Breakers in Palm Beach.
Since I still have many family members and friends
not on Facebook or Instagram (where I upload most of my photos),
I thought I'd share.
While I didn't see any of the actual guest rooms,
each room on the main level was an exquisite treat...
with exquisite views.
This was only part of the wine offerings in one of the restaurants.
There was another small locked room with most likely more of the higher end choices.
According to someone who had been there recently,
this flower arrangement was a small one compared to the last.
While the property was founded by an industry tycoon in the 1890's,
this hallway feels almost like Versaille.

Each time a fire leveled the hotel in the early 1900's,
it was rebuilt more luxurious than before.

After the 1925 fire,
it was redesigned by the very same designers of
New York's Waldorf Astoria...

And given a more European flavor
using the Villa Medici of Rome as a model.
Similar to the Medici Gardens,
this courtyard is stunning.

And this magnificent ballroom
looks out on the gardens.

This is the view just outside the famous bar.

It's proximity being so close to the water,
this luxury hotel was named after the waves just outside its doors.

Of course, a seat in the bar
calls for a little bubbly.

While you can't see any of the fish,
you can see here by the coral
that the counter is an aquarium.
Hope you've enjoyed this little tour of The Breakers.
Come back next time for more Florida fun photos!
For more info and pics of The Breakers,
Click Here.
(All photos copyright: Kirsten Steen)