
Monday, January 21, 2019

Eiffel Tower from the Seine

Walking along the Pont de Bir Hakeim (bridge) in Paris 
on the blog today to give you an idea of the neighborhood. 
More night photos!

At not quite the middle of the bridge stands this statue
which I only realized recently was a likeness of Joan of Arc. 
I have a whole new respect! 

The bridge itself runs across the Seine
 from the 15th arrondissement to the 16th,
from the Bir Hakeim metro stop to Passy on the 6 line
which runs over the top of the bridge. 

The statue sits on a small pullout from the bridge
where people often gather to stare at the Eiffel Tower 
and often sip something of their choice
(as evidenced by the empty bottles we frequently find left behind). 

We have on occasion brought guests here
with a bottle of bubbly and glasses
to watch the tower sparkle
as we sparkle. 
(We take our bottle with us!)

From here you can walk along the Seine and the boats
all with a view of the tower. 

I love these boats which are often rented
but I especially love them in the summertime
when people sit out on the decks
in the warm evenings
 sipping wine and eating
while they talk softly and enjoy the view. 

The Pont d'Iena (next bridge over) connects the Eiffel Tower to the Trocadero. 
In the early 1800's, Napoleon wanted a bridge to overlook his Ecole Militaire
(Military School and his offices) located on the other end of the Champ de Mars. 
So from 1808-1814, he had this bridge built and named after
one of his battle victories: The battle of Jena
(apparently the American spelling).

The stairs from the bridge to the river 
are called the Renault Stairs
where James Bond (Roger Moore)
drove a Renault 11 down the stairs in pursuit of an assassin
in the film A View to a Kill.

Christmas in full form 
on the river below the tower. 

I loved the colors here against the fog. 

And the tower doing its sparkly thing.

Hope you've enjoyed this little walk
along a small part of the Seine in Paris. 
Back next time with more of Paris!

(Photos copyright: Kirsten Steen
Please do not reproduce
Bridge info via: Wiki)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Holidays in Paris

Back to share a few photos of our recent visit to Paris 
over the holidays. 
Above is the department store BHV 
(pronounced Bay-Osh-Vay).

When we lived in Paris for a year,
we rode the metro down here to the Hotel de Ville stop on the 1 line
every single time we needed something for the apartment. 
They have an entire (basement) floor dedicated to hardware and maintenance. 
Now we have a Castorama right in our hood
so when we need something, we only need to walk a couple of blocks. 
Much less expensive too!

For some reason, 
I never truly feel like I've fully arrived in Paris
until I get myself down to the island, 
the place Paris began, 
the oldest section.

And walk in steps others have tread for centuries. 

Pictures are no longer allowed inside 
Shakespeare and Company
so I can only share outdoor photos now
(though I did sneak a few some years back HERE.) 

Loved this quote from Leonard Cohen outside the store. 

And I usually take this pic because I love this shot of Notre Dame 
behind the bicycles that are ALWAYS parked here. 

And of course
the iconic shot of the Eiffel Tower. 
Will be back next time with a few more of the tower
from our bridge on the river. 

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday
and New Year! 

HAPPY 2019!!

(Photos copyright: Kirsten Steen)

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Bonne Année and Happy Epiphany!

(Gallette Des Rois: my beloved almond paste/frangipani cake from Paris, a tradition for Epiphany.
See past post about this tradition.

January 6th, Epiphany
(the day the three Kings came bearing gifts) 
tends to be my real New Year beginning. 

Usually I'm not quite ready when January 1st hits.
Maybe we're traveling (like this year when we are just back from France 
so... jetlagged),
 or I've come down with an illness, or there's too much on my plate at the moment
or I'm still reeling from the holidays
but by Epiphany (also one of my favorite words)
I'm ready to start making my goals for the year
(my preference to NY's resolutions.) 

And this year,
 (especially because this weekend included a New Moon 
so I would be doing this anyway)
 I'm following in the footsteps of a few others who have created a list 
of the things they would like more of in their life.
So here is mine.
It may include more or less (so probably change) by the next new moon:

more love... around me and in the world. more travel. more forest bathing. more writing.
less hearing other people's gossip. 
more angels. more healing... all around. more energy information. 
more family. more entertaining. more light. 
more divinity in our lives. more epiphanies!
less complaining.
more hikes. more exercise. more reading things i love. 
less pain.
more trust in myself. more retreats... and the financial ease to do them. 
more dreams with messages. more writing. more travel for sacred purposes. 
*** more sacred ***
more massages (for me now). more caring less... and caring more. 
more meditation. more time! more tithing. more kisses. more writing.
more hugs (full-on, tight-squeeze, blast-your-fear-around-it body hugs).
more presence. more awakening. more beauty. more honesty. 
more clarity. more gratitude. more sunsets. more compassion.
more F words: fucking fearless, fabulous, fun, fantastic, friends, 
fauna, fire, favorite films,
furry felines,
(none of those bald scary-looking creatures... tho I'm sure they need love too...
or squashed-faced nasty attitude felines like our neighbor George 
who is as old as time and has no claws but still somehow terrorizes our cats).
 more publishing. more writing. 
Did I mention more writing?

Feel free to mention some of the things on your More List for this year! 
And Bonne Année to you and yours! 

(Pics of Paris coming up in next posts!)

(Photo copyright: Kirsten Steen)